Software Licensing


Never Pay More than You Need to for Microsoft Cloud Licensing

Our in-depth technical knowledge, coupled with extensive knowledge of Microsoft licensing means we’re the natural choice for organisations looking to purchase CSP licensing for Dynamics 365, the Power Platform, Microsoft 365 and Azure.

We know licensing can be a complex world. Unlike many other CSP providers, with have the technical skills to put your system under the microscope to identify your exact licensing requirements based on each of your use cases. This gives you peace of mind that you’re compliant with Microsoft guidelines, and also makes sure you’ll never be over-licensed for the tasks your users need to perform.

This solution knowledge means we can often save you money on your licensing by specifically designing functionality with a lower-cost licensing requirement.

What is CSP Licensing

Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) is a ‘pay as you go’ style licencing offer from Microsoft. Using CSP, customers are billed on a monthly basis according to the licences they have used for the month.

We offer a wide range of CSP licences covering the following technologies:


The Benefits of CSP Licensing

Flexibility and cost-saving

With CSP, you have the flexibility to scale your licences up and down at any point. This is especially useful for organisation with seasonal or fluctuating staff numbers, as you’ll only ever pay for a licence at the time they’re needed.

No upfront costs

Unlike volume licensing agreements, there are no upfront costs with CSP licensing as you do not need to commit to a certain level of usage. You’ll be billed each month for the exact number of active licences you have.


Your unique CSP marketplace gives you complete control to procure and manage all of your Microsoft licences, avoiding administrative delays and giving you the power to scale up and down as required.

Contact Us

Want to know more?

13 Adelaide Road, Dublin 2, D02 P950